64.5 F
San Benito
October 27, 2024

Webinars to update local artists on funding, regional happenings

Courtesy of the San Benito County Arts Council:

Join Arts Council Executive Director, Jennifer Laine, on Thursday, July 30th, at 1:30 pm on Zoom for a Webinar: Funding Opportunities, an interactive discussion on upcoming funding opportunities for local artists and arts organizations, including new relief funding for arts-based organizations and individual artists, updates on federal and state funding and the Arts Councils 2021 Arts Express Grant Program. This is also an opportunity for local participants to share their needs and concerns as they relate to the ongoing economic impact of COVID-19. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link to join.

On Thursday, Aug. 6th at 1 pm, Californians for the Artswill be presenting a virtual Central CA Regional Coversation. Featured presenters, including Arts Council Executive Director, Jennifer Laine, will be discussing the current state of the arts in our region. The conversation will include updates on state and federal advocacy with special guests to be announced. Attendees will have a chance to share ideas, questions and concerns with the Californians for the Arts team, and most importantly each other. This is a great opportunity to speak with others in the field about how COVID-19 is impacting artists and art groups and how our creative community will come through this together. To register for this event visit www.californiansforthearts.org. 

Please visit the San Benito County Arts Council at www.sanbenitoarts.org or email [email protected] for more information on these two opportunities.

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