74.9 F
San Benito
October 25, 2024

Suspect shot by Hollister police released from hospital, booked at jail

Courtesy of the Hollister Police Department:

Suspect from Officer-Involved Shooting from last week has been released from the hospital and booked at the San Benito County Jail. 
The suspect, who was shot by officers in an incident that occurred on December 8, 2020 in Hollister, was medically cleared and released from an area hospital in the evening of December 16, 2020.  Officers from the Hollister Police Department took custody of the suspect, identified as Brandon Hill (29).  Hill was transported to the San Benito County Jail where he was booked for several charges including:  arson, assault with a deadly weapon, threatening an officer, resisting arrest and criminal threats.  His bail is set at $196,000 according to jail staff. 
Original Press Release:
HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA – December 8, 2020 –Hollister Police Officers responded to a 911 call for a disturbance at a home on Kimberly Court. Officers located a man that allegedly threatened family members, was armed with a knife and refused to cooperate or to put the knife down. One officer discharged his firearm and wounded the suspect. The suspect was transported to a trauma hospital where he is listed in stable condition.
On today’s date at approximately 7:30 am, SCR911 received a 911 hang-up call from a home located on the 1100 block of Kimberly Court. When dispatchers attempted to call back they received a request for help advising an adult family member was possibly violent and had access to kitchen knives.
Two officers arrived on scene and contacted the family members. As they were talking with family members, the suspect approached the officers and refused to remove his hands from his pockets. When officers attempted to speak with the man inside the house, the suspect was uncooperative and eventually produced a large knife. He proceeded to start a fire by turning on the stove and placing items on the ignited burner. He stood between the fire and the officers and began to throw several items at the officers; including one item that was on fire.
The suspect continued to throw furniture and other items around the room and threatened both officers. Attempts to deescalate were unsuccessful. At one point an officer discharged one round from his service weapon. The round struck the suspect in the abdomen at which time the suspect dropped the knife. Officers immediately secured the suspect and rendered first aid until medics arrived on scene. The suspect was transported to a trauma hospital and is reported in stable condition.
In the effort for full transparency, the Hollister Police Department has requested the assistance of the San Benito County District Attorney’s Office, the San Benito County Sheriff’s Office and the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office. The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office has agreed to assist and is conducting the investigation of the shooting. The San Benito County Sheriff’s Office and the San Benito County District Attorney’s Office are supporting in any way necessary the complete investigation.
The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office has a vast amount of experience investigating Officer Involved Shootings and the Hollister Police Department is grateful for their assistance and the assistance of the San Benito Sheriff’s Office and the San Benito County District Attorney’s Office.
Per policy, both Officers have been placed on paid administrative leave. This is an ongoing investigation and no further information will be released at this time. Police Body Camera video will be released when the investigation is completed or within 45 days.


