64.5 F
San Benito
October 27, 2024

Medina wants report on county’s computer shutdown

San Benito County Supervisor Mark Medina at Tuesday’s board meeting requested a thorough report in the aftermath of the county’s computer network shutdown.

It came as the county wrapped up its response to a virus that prompted a shutdown to the entire county network, which led to employees losing access to email and the Internet, and the public losing access to a variety of public databases.

The county has been dealing with a virus issue that came up about nearly four weeks ago. It prompted a shutdown of computer systems in the county. County spokesman Kevin O’Neill last Thursday morning said work “for most” county employees was back to normal. He did acknowledge county information technology employees were wrapping up work on some machines at the time.

On Tuesday, Medina asked for a report on the matter. He apologized to the public on the behalf of the county and said he would like to see “some type of report stating what happened.”

“It’s a serious issue that needs to have all hands on deck,” Medina said.

Medina was particularly concerned how the shutdown might have affected the emergency response systems, especially the computer aided dispatch system, or CAD. Medina wanted to know if there is some way to establish a backup system when the online functionality shuts down.

The discussion was part of reports, so there was no discussion or action on the item.

