56.8 F
San Benito
July 26, 2024

‘Erratic’ behavior of student spurs ‘secured campus’ at SBHS

A student’s erratic behavior that included breaking windows led to a brief “secured campus’ status at San Benito High School on Thursday before authorities found the student.

According to a Hollister police statement:

A report of a student breaking windows and acting erratic at the south campus area of the High School was reported at about 12:12 p.m.  today.

The School Resource Officer responded and attempted to contact the student.  The student refused to cooperate and ran into the main campus area during the lunch hour.  The High School Safety Plan was immediately put in place by the School Resource Officer.

The first phase of the School Safety Plan, Secured Campus Status was initiated until the person was found.  The person was located by campus security and the SRO hiding in a classroom.

Medical aid was provided to the student for an injury the student sustained during the incident.  The SRO were able to determine staff and students were not in danger and  the Secured Campus status was lifted at 12:43 p.m.

The High School has resumed its regular schedule.  The incident is over and no further alerts will follow concerning this event.

