41.5 F
San Benito
December 9, 2024

County board OKs various committee appointments

San Benito County supervisors Tuesday approved board members’ appointmentst to various commissions.

Supervisors OK’d new Board Chairman Mark Medina’s recommendations for a slate of appointments to commissions.

The following is the list of appointments as read off during Tuesday’s meeting:

Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments: Medina with alternate Jaime De La Cruz

Audit committee: Peter Hernandez and De La Cruz

Area Agency on Aging: Hernandez with alternate Anthony Botelho

Behavioral Health Committee: Hernandez

California State Association of Counties: De La Cruz with alternate Medina

First 5 Commission: Hernandez

Council of Governments: Medina and Jim Gillio with alternate Botelho

Emergency Medical Care Commission: Hernandez and Gillio

Fire Protection Committee: Botelho and Gillio

Golden State Finance Authority: Botelho with alternate De La Cruz

Governance Committee: Botelho and Medina

Intergovernmental Committee: Hernandez and Gillio

I.T. Committee: De La Cruz and Hernandez

Juvenile Justice Commission: Medina

Landfill Committee: Gillio and Botelho

Local Agency Formation Commission: De La Cruz and Botelho with alternate Medina

Mobility Committee: Gillio

Monterey Bay Air Resources: Botelho and alternate Hernandez

Monterey Bay Community Choice Power: CAO Ray Espinosa

National Association of Counties: De La Cruz with alternate Botelho

Pajaro River Watershed Authority: Botelho

RDA Successor Agency: Medina with alternate De La Cruz

Regional Council of Rural Counties: Botelho with alternate De La Cruz

Veterans Park Commission: De La Cruz and Medina

