San Benito County supervisors Tuesday approved board members’ appointmentst to various commissions.
Supervisors OK’d new Board Chairman Mark Medina’s recommendations for a slate of appointments to commissions.
The following is the list of appointments as read off during Tuesday’s meeting:
Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments: Medina with alternate Jaime De La Cruz
Audit committee: Peter Hernandez and De La Cruz
Area Agency on Aging: Hernandez with alternate Anthony Botelho
Behavioral Health Committee: Hernandez
California State Association of Counties: De La Cruz with alternate Medina
First 5 Commission: Hernandez
Council of Governments: Medina and Jim Gillio with alternate Botelho
Emergency Medical Care Commission: Hernandez and Gillio
Fire Protection Committee: Botelho and Gillio
Golden State Finance Authority: Botelho with alternate De La Cruz
Governance Committee: Botelho and Medina
Intergovernmental Committee: Hernandez and Gillio
I.T. Committee: De La Cruz and Hernandez
Juvenile Justice Commission: Medina
Landfill Committee: Gillio and Botelho
Local Agency Formation Commission: De La Cruz and Botelho with alternate Medina
Mobility Committee: Gillio
Monterey Bay Air Resources: Botelho and alternate Hernandez
Monterey Bay Community Choice Power: CAO Ray Espinosa
National Association of Counties: De La Cruz with alternate Botelho
Pajaro River Watershed Authority: Botelho
RDA Successor Agency: Medina with alternate De La Cruz
Regional Council of Rural Counties: Botelho with alternate De La Cruz
Veterans Park Commission: De La Cruz and Medina