San Benito County supervisors will hold a regular meeting at 9 a.m. Feb. 19, next Tuesday, to consider the following among other items:
Seal coat projects with SB-1 funds
Adopt plans for various seal-coat projects with use of funds from Senate Bill 1, the gas tax. They are on San Felipe Road, Gardena Lane, Nash Road and Cienega Road.
Bennett Ranch
Approve final map for Bennett Ranch on the east side of Southside Road south of Enterprise Road.
Industrial hemp production
Discussion on cultivation of industrial hemp and direction to staff
Economic development funds
Approve budget amendment for 2018-19 to increase economic development appropriations to local organizations. The amount allocated currently is $35,000 toward the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation of San Benito County, Monterey County Business Council and Monterey Bay Economic Partnership.
Compatible uses on ag preserves
The board previously heard the recommendation of the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee to expand the list of compatible uses within agricultural preserves and authorized preparation of a proposed ordinance to add the following six additional compatible uses: event centers; wineries; small solar projects for the operation of a farm or ranch; vegetable processing plants; meat processing plants; and airplane runway strip for landowner’s Non-Commercial Use.
Homeless planning report
Receive Community Homeless Planning Report from Health and Human Services Agency.
The full board agenda with details on specific items is not yet available.