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March 14, 2025

Monthly Archives: February 2019

County board hosting retreat on open meetings law

Three local government bodies will get together for a special presentation on the state's open meetings law at a retreat today. The San Benito...

Fire official describes bystander rescue at Prune Street blaze

Two good samaritans rescued a man from his Prune Street home just shortly before a fire there spread. The man, described as middle-aged, was...

Resident in critical condition after Prune Street fire

An elderly resident is in critical condition and two others are displaced after the fire Wednesday on Prune Street, according to the Hollister Police...

SBHS set for final ComedySportz show of year

Courtesy of San Benito High School: The last San Benito High School ComedySportz show of the year is set for March. The high school's...

Gavilan College commemorates Black History Month

Photojournalism students of SJSU Professor Michael Cheers accompanied him to the American South amid a week long history tour, walking in Dr. Martin Luther...

Gavilan President: Optimism, energy on campus

Courtesy of Gavilan College Superintendent/President Dr. Kathleen Rose: February has arrived with rain and cold that is characteristic of the central coast, making coming...

HPD alleges locals had concealed handguns

Hollister police made arrests in two separate firearm cases. According to a statement released Wednesday from police: The Hollister Police Department has arrested three...

Hollister police allege two men failed to update sex offender status

The Hollister Police Department alleged two separate sex offenders recently lied about their registration status, leading to arrests. According to the HPD: The Hollister...

Business Council to host workshop on career paths, internships

Courtesy of the San Benito County Business Council: The San Benito Business Council is hosting a lunch workshop featuring the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership for...

Law enforcement, school officials working ‘hand in hand’ after shooter hoax

A sheriff’s spokesman recalled Tuesday's active shooter hoax at the Hollister School District board meeting and said he believed the person made three separate...