39.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Video: SBHS celebrates FFA Week

Courtesy of San Benito High School:

San Benito High School’s FFA Week (Feb. 16-23 this year) is typically celebrated the week of George Washington’s birthday in order to recognize the first president’s agricultural legacy. This tradition began in 1948 as a week to share what FFA has to offer. Chapters around the country are emphasizing the importance of educating the public as well as future generations about agricultural practices. SBHS celebrated a week early (see video below) due to the Mid-Winter Recess happening during the week of Presidents’ Day. This year, Hollister FFA hosted a new event, holding informational workshops all day in the agriculture department in the new Career Technical Education building on campus. The leadership students of Hollister FFA put together presentations about the different aspects of the organization and agriculture. Students learned about different species of animals, courses offered within the agriculture department, leadership events and conferences, and much more. Organizers deemed the event a success with more than 350 students in attendance throughout the day. Despite the change in FFA Week activities, Hollister FFA plans on continuing the longstanding tradition of the bathtub races, scheduled for Friday, March 1 in Baler Alley, weather permitting.

