36.5 F
San Benito
March 12, 2025

Veterans to be honored at Elk’s Lodge

America’s veterans will be honored with a prime rib dinner Nov. 11 at the Monterey Elks Lodge. Reservations may be made until Nov. 8 at the Elks office, 821-373-1285 by Elks, their guests and veterans.

Special attendees will be formerly-homeless veterans now living at the Veterans Transition Center housing on old Fort Ord. The Elks also are accepting sponsorships of dinners for additional veterans. Price of the prime rib carving station with all accompaniments, including apple crisp ala mode, is $25. Music by Mike Noonan for dancing is included in the evening.

“On Veterans Day, Elks Lodges across America will recognize the contributions of our service men and women to fulfill the Elks’ motto ‘So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them,’ “said Carrol Mendoza, Exalter Ruler of Monterey Elks Lodge #1285.

