39.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Sponsorships, booths available for upcoming job fair

Details are set for this year’s Job Fair & Business Expo in downtown Hollister, and organizers are reminding local businesses about opportunities to take part with sponsorships or booths.

According to an announcement sent out Wednesday, the event will be at the Veterans Memorial Building from 2-8 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, with a mixer from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

The event is hosted by the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, Infinity Staffing and San Benito County Business Council.

“Our Businesses and Organizations have teamed up to bring information and job resources to our community. If you have opportunities for job applicants this is a great occasion to promote your company and meet with potential employees during the event,” according to the announcement released today.

Those interested in a sponsorship or booth can review the included information. Anyone with questions can call Chamber CEO Michelle Leonard at (831) 637-5315.


Let’s Connect- Job Fair & Business Expo Sponsor Benefits

Career Sponsor* $500

Name/Logo printed on event promotions including Posters, Website and Social Media

Poster with Business name and logo visible at event (please provide)

Listed on Chamber Website– Get Noticed Section

8×8 Booth with table and 2 chairs (please provide your own table cloth)

Free electricity (when requested on form)

Career Sponsor designation at your booth.

Logo must be provided by 4/20/19

Event Partner* $300

Name/Logo printed on event promotions including Posters, Website and Social Media

Poster with Business name and logo visible at event (please provide)

8×8 booth with table and 2 chairs (please provide your own table cloth)

Free electricity (when requested on form)

Event Partner designation at your booth.

Logo must be provided by 4/20/19

Mixer Sponsor* $150

Name/logo printed on event promotions including, Posters, Website and Social Media.

8×8 booth with table and 2 chairs (please provide your own table cloth)

Free electricity (when requested on form)

Mixer Sponsor designation at your booth

Logo must be provided 4/20/19

Participant Booths* $100 Chamber Member $200 Non-Chamber Member (non-profit discount 50% off)

Space is on a first received/paid, then assigned basis, booths are limited

8×8 Booth with table and 2 chairs (please provide your own table cloth)

For additional information contact:

Michelle Leonard, San Benito County Chamber President/CEO

[email protected]

831-637-5315 office 831-245-6044 cell

*NO Early Departures.

*Booth must be set up by 1:30 pm. Tear down may begin immediately after the event ends at 8:00 pm

Event: Thursday, May 2, 2019

RULES & REGULATIONS 1. Exhibit booths must be staffed at all times throughout the show by qualified representatives of the exhibitor. Exhibitors are also expected to keep their booths attractive and clean throughout the course of the job fair and business expo.

2. Liability for loss, theft, property damage or destruction and personal injury; A. Exhibitor hereby waives any and all claims against the job fair management, their agents or representatives resulting from loss, theft, damage, or destruction to its property, or from personal injuries to it, its agents, and/or employees. B. Exhibitor assumes full and complete responsibility for any damage that may occur when moving exhibit material in or out of facility, or destruction of property of others. Exhibitor hereby waives any right to indemnification which it may have against the job fair and business expo management, their agent or representatives for any and all claims arising from participating in the job fair and business expo.

3. Insurance: It is expressly acknowledged that the show management has not purchased insurance of any kind for the benefit of the exhibitor, nor is it under any obligation to do so.

4. No part of any exhibit or any signs relating thereto fore, shall be pasted, nailed or otherwise attached to the walls, doors, etc. and in any way as to deface same, damage arising by failure to observe these rules shall be paid by the exhibitor. PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitors must use measures to protect the exhibit hall, exhibit booth partitions, table, chairs, wall columns, and floors from all damages. The exhibitor will be held responsible and charged by the job fair and business expo management for any damage to equipment, building, grounds or for all clean-up caused by paint, grease, oil abrasives, or excess debris left in exhibitor’s space.

5. Job fair and business expo management has the right to dismantle and pack any property exhibitor has failed to pack by move-out deadline, or may order such work to be done, at the sole expense of the exhibitor. The show management shall have the right and the authority to clear such property from the exhibit premises or otherwise dispose of it, without incurring liability therefore. All cost of such removal, return, storage and other disposition shall be charged to and paid by the exhibitor.

6. All exhibitors must conform to the size of their space (8×8) and must not be of such character or arrangement as to obstruct the view, or interfere with, the exhibits of others. Nothing shall be displayed at a height above 8’. This does not apply to the display of lighting fixtures. Exposed parts of display partitions must be finished or covered so they do not present an unsightly appearance when viewed from adjoining booths or aisles.

7. The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc.., must be made inside the exhibitor’s booth. Aisles cannot be blocked and canvassing outside of the booth is forbidden.

8. Laptops and other apparatus must conform to the state and/or city fire regulations. All draperies or other fabrics must be fireproofed before entering into the decoration of any exhibit. Paper decorations, distribution of any adhesive slogan material, and use of propane are NOT PERMITTED. Electrical wiring must conform to the National Electrical Code Safety Rules.


10. Unethical conduct or infraction of rules, on the part of an exhibitor or their representatives, or both, will subject the exhibitor or the representatives to dismissal from the exhibit hall, in which event, it is agreed no refund shall be made by the job fair and business expo management.

11. The Job Fair and Business Expo Management will not be liable for the fulfillment of this lease as to delivery of space if non delivery is due to any of the following causes by reason of: the building being destroyed by fire, acts of God, strikes, the authority of the law, or for any other causes beyond the Job Fair and Business Expo management’s control.

12. Playing of any music by an exhibitor is expressly forbidden.

13. Your company representatives, or your agents shall be held jointly, collectively and individually responsible for any and all debts incurred, for all exhibit costs, fees or changes.

14. Exhibits and Public Policy: Exhibitor is charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinance and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety, while participating in this event. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all exhibitors and sole responsibility is that of the exhibitor.

15. Loud speakers, laptops, flat screens or the operation of any machinery or equipment which is of sufficient volume as to be annoying to neighboring exhibitors will not be permitted.

16. Subletting of space: The exhibitor shall not assign, sublet, or share space assigned or have representatives, equipment or materials from firms other than their own in the exhibit space without written consent of the job fair and business expo management.

17. Soliciting for exhibits or any other reason by registered or unregistered persons, firms, or associations is strictly forbidden.

18. The job fair and business expo management has the right to refuse an exhibitor on the grounds of noncompatibility with the event. Management reserves the right to approve the character and contents, including signs and placement of sign in all exhibits. Any exhibit which does not meet Management’s approval may be removed from the job fair.

19. Exhibits must be set up and “ready for business” 30 minutes prior to opening of show. Exhibitor agrees to keep their exhibits open and staffed during show hours and not dismantle prior to job fair closing.

20. Sale or sampling of food or beverage is prohibited.

21. Raffles, contests, or drawings appropriately relating to an exhibit are allowed when no money changes hands. Under laws governing games of chance, every exhibitor operating games of chance, lotteries, etc., is charged with the knowledge of national, state, and local legal restrictions on such operations.

22. Job fair management reserves the right to modify the floor plan at any time.

Forms Below:

