34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

SBHS serves over 500 meals to students Wednesday

Courtesy of San Benito High School:

During the ongoing school closure in the wake of COVID-19 concerns, San Benito High School District has committed to sharing information with the public as it becomes available, including offering daily newsletter updates for as long as needed. We are in touch with county health officials and are communicating with the other school districts in the county to ensure coordination of response and services to our families.

Dear San Benito High School parents, students, staff and community:

School Closure In Effect Through Spring Break

The school closure necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic is currently planned to last through Friday, April 3. The closure continues to apply to all related student and staff activities, except for essential activities as set forth in Governor Newsom’s executive order and any other legal directives from state or local authorities. With Spring Break scheduled for April 6-10, the earliest date on which school would resume is Monday, April 13.

Food Delivered to Special Education Students

In addition to the 544 meals handed out to students Wednesday at the campus drive-through in Baler Alley, San Benito High School staff members delivered 35 meals to the homes of students in the Special Education program. On Tuesday, hygiene and necessary personal items were delivered to our special-needs students who needed them. Our most vulnerable students are a priority. If someone needs specialized support, please reach out to Paulette Cobb at 637-5831, ext. 130, or for Spanish call Nydia Buelna at extension 131.

Food Services Update

The SBHS Cafeteria is pleased to report that we were able to provide 551 meals to students on Wednesday and are ramping up for tomorrow. We are proud to be able to serve our community and provide this service to them.

Tip from our kitchen…

One of our most popular vegetables is carrots, whether eaten raw, steamed, sauteed or roasted. This tasty root vegetable is said to be the perfect health food. It is crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious. Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. Paired with ranch dressing, they make the perfect snack for kids young or older.

Thank you to all of the community for visiting us between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in Baler Alley to pick up their student meals. Students who need to pick up meals in person may do so, but meals may not be consumed on campus. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in adhering to social distancing guidelines by not allowing anyone to congregate at the school site once meals have been distributed. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Delivery of Instruction This Week

For now, the goal remains solely to support students’ retention of previously learned content knowledge and skills to prevent regression. This means no new instruction should be occurring at this time. We recognize the frustration this brings for parents, teachers and students. San Benito High School has more than 400 students who we know do not have access to an electronic device and/or the Internet. Additionally, for our more than 370 Special Education students, we are still developing the appropriate resources necessary in order to provide the legally binding accommodations found in students’ IEPs and 504s.

What is expected of teachers right now?

  • Post or share review opportunities with their students.
  • We recognize that not all students can or will participate in what has been outlined above. No grade will be given to review work.

What is expected of students right now?

Students will receive information through Aeries communicator, Google Classrooms, all social media platforms, and/or mail regarding the opportunities for sustaining and reviewing the course content. Student communication will be initially sent through the Principal’s Office. However, we are working on a system that will give teachers an opportunity to systematically communicate with their students.  

Through the encouragement of SBHS staff, students may participate with review work. Completed work cannot be expected from all students so, therefore, it will not be graded. The work is solely to support the retention of previously learned material.

What is expected of the district right now?

  • We are developing further plans for distance learning in the event of an extended school closure.
  • We are compiling information and resources on a centrally located staff Wiki page.
  • We will keep in regular communication as developments and decisions are made.

Adult Education Program on Hiatus

The closure of San Benito High School includes Adult Education classes, which normally meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 454. Please check back for updates.

Internet Service Guidance For Parents and Students

Click here to read about Internet options for families, including discounts or free plans offered by service providers in the wake of the COVID-19 situation.

Curricular Planning Going Forward

Our plan is fluid. Until further recommendations are made by the State, the district will provide educational opportunities where feasible. Our goal remains to support our students by providing a positive environment, even if that environment is no longer a physical learning space. We appreciate the flexibility, patience, and support of students, parents and Baler staff.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding curriculum and instruction, please contact Educational Services Director Elaine Klauer via email at [email protected].

