29.6 F
San Benito
January 19, 2025

SBHS reminds parents about survey on 2020-21

Courtesy of San Benito High School Superintendent Shawn Tennenbaum:

Dear San Benito High School Parents, Students and Community:

With the August 13 start of the 2020-21 school year just over two weeks away, we want to remind parents that even though San Benito High School District is beginning the school year and instruction in a distance learning format, we would still appreciate if you would fill out the survey indicating whether you would opt into a full remote instruction/learning model for your student when and if hybrid, on-campus instruction takes place.

Responding to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s order that all public schools in counties (including San Benito) on the state’s County Monitoring List begin the year in the distance learning model, the SBHSD Board of Trustees recently approved a full distance learning approach to start the year. As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to work with the local health department regarding guidelines, protocols and safety features to ensure we’re doing our part as a school community. 

SBHS has been planning instructional delivery and safety contingencies all summer, recently finalizing safety protocols as well as a plan for both full distance learning and hybrid (blended learning) models. 

In the full distance learning model that was recently adopted, students will take two classes at a time in six-week increments, each counting as a full semester during each grading period. This schedule will allow for the school to transition from distance learning to in-person instruction when conditions allow, keeping students in cohorts. When and if in-person instruction resumes, students will continue to take two classes at a time in the hybrid (blended learning) model, which designates separate morning and afternoon groups of students (cohorts) to minimize the number of students and staff on campus at any time.

We would appreciate you filling out the survey to let us know your intentions for your student(s).

Stay in Touch

I encourage you to stay in touch through our weekly email newsletters and our social media pages (@BalerNews on Twitter and Instagram and San Benito High School on Facebook.)  Despite the challenges we all face during these unprecedented times, I am constantly reminded that every day is a great day to be a Baler!


San Benito High School Superintendent Dr. Shawn Tennenbaum

