37.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

SBHS honors four students with Baler STRONG awards

Courtesy of San Benito High School:

San Benito High School teachers, counselors and administrators each week recognize students as Baler STRONG Students of the Week.

STRONG is an acronym for (Scholarship, Teamwork, Reflection, Opportunity, Nurture and Growth), representing the core values of San Benito High School. Each student earning recognition is presented with a certificate signifying the honor.

Here are the recipients for week of January 14-18:

Sophomore Luis Ramirez Cuevas was nominated by the Social Science Department. His nomination form stated “Louis has demonstrated significant growth over the course of first semester and is off to a strong start for Spring semester. Through focused AFTs, Academy, working with teachers during lunch and after school, reading additional materials to supplement knowledge, and even reviewing Kahoots and other game answers afterwards to practice them, he eventually worked to the point of gaining an ‘A’ on the final exam.”

Social Sciences also nominated junior Joe Leon, for meeting the value of Opportunity.

“Joe has taken all of the opportunities given to all students in U.S. History and has made the most of it. He attends AFTs to get work done, to learn where he needs support in the class. He is also an active participant in class who asks questions to help him be more successful.”

The World Languages Department nominated Daniela Hernandez, commenting that

“Daniela’s desire to grow as a student is impressive. She works hard and seeks support in order to reach her max potential in class.”

World Languages also nominated senior Elisha Contreras, with one teacher noting that he is the “most hard-working student I have ever met. He will study, retake quizzes, ask for help, and work towards success on every assignment. He comes during AFT, break, lunch, and after school to be sure he is doing it right. He never takes shortcuts or the easy way out. He is exemplary!”

