49.5 F
San Benito
March 12, 2025

SBHS, Hollister district closing schools due to coronavirus

San Benito High School and the Hollister School District will cancel school the week of March 16-20 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The high school and Hollister district made the decision after meetings held Friday. They join other regional districts in canceling classroom instruction to prevent spreading the virus.

The districts are canceling school on a week-by-week basis as the coronavirus situation continues to unfold, while spring break is coming up for local schools as well.

Other local districts have not made any similar announcements as of early Friday afternoon.

San Benito High informed the community in a press release, while Hollister School Board President Robert Bernosky confirmed the district’s closure to San Benito Live in a phone interview.

The following is the announcement from SBHS:

The public health crisis created by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is not something any of us could reasonably have expected to happen, and we’re in uncharted waters as we work to prevent the spread of the illness. We have been following the guidance of public health experts on how we can keep all who are part of our school community — students, staff, family members and visitors — safe in the midst of a growing health crisis.

We are now at a point where the balance has shifted and the appropriate path is to temporarily close San Benito High School.

We are taking this step to keep our school community safe. Effective Monday, March 16, we will close San Benito High School for one week, through Friday, March 20, while we evaluate the appropriate path forward. While our school facilities will be closed, plans are in place for students to continue to learn and we will continue to provide meals to students, including those who qualify for free and reduced lunch.

This is a difficult decision, but necessary, as we try to slow the spread of the virus. San Benito High School serves a high-needs population, and our schools provide a social safety net for our students. The closing of any school has real consequences beyond the loss of instructional time. This is not an easy decision and not one we take lightly.

Student Learning

San Benito High School District is developing recommendations, lists of resources, templates and strategies to support distance learning options for students. This includes all District alternative education programs such as Long Term Independent Studies and Home & Hospital. Further communication will be provided to all of our students, families and staff members over the coming days.

Food Service

The SBHS District Nutrition Services program will continue to provide meals for San Benito High School students during our school closure. Nutrition services will be using a drive-through system and students must be present with their student ID to receive a meal. The District will provide a lunch for that day and a breakfast for the following day.

Beginning Monday, March 16, student meals will be available for drive-through from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Baler Alley.

Students who need to pick up meals in person may do so, but meals may not be consumed on campus. We will encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not allowing anyone to congregate at the school site once meals have been distributed.

Special Education

San Benito High School District is developing recommendations, lists of resources, templates and strategies to support distance learning options for students, including students with disabilities. Additionally, more information and individual considerations will follow in the coming days for students with IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans). There will be follow-up communication from case managers regarding any IEP meetings that have already been scheduled.

Student Activities

Effective immediately, all field trips, school events, rehearsals, athletics (including practices) and club activities are postponed.


At this time, all staff members will be required to report to work at their normally-scheduled time on Monday, March 16, unless otherwise notified by their supervisor. Further details will be provided to our staff over the weekend regarding next week’s plan.

A Community Effort

And to our families, we thank you for your patience and trust as we work together to maintain some sense of normalcy in these difficult times. These next weeks will be difficult and we are not certain what lies ahead after that. You have our unwavering commitment to do all we can do to help you and your students.

We will continue to do our best to keep you informed. Facts and circumstances may change quickly so we encourage you to check our website www.haybaler.org , follow San Benito High School on Facebook, @BalerNews on Twitter and Instagram or call the following phone hotlines.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact School Nurse Tess Smith at 831-637-5831, ext. 126 or by email at [email protected]. You may also direct questions to the following offices:

  • Principal’s Office: Kaycee Day, ext. 172
  • Human Resources: Karla Ornelas, ext. 145
  • Superintendent’s Office: Carol Heiderich, ext. 132

Thank you for your support,

-San Benito High School Superintendent Dr. Shawn Tennenbaum

-Principal Adrian Ramirez

-The San Benito High School District Board of Trustees

Photo Caption: San Benito High drama students practice for the “Grease” musical Thursday in the auditorium. School is canceled next week, and the musical has been postponed.

