35.5 F
San Benito
January 19, 2025

SBHS board gets update on 4 proposed models for 2020-21

Courtesy of San Benito High School:

The San Benito High School Board of Trustees this week received a presentation from Principal Adrian Ramirez detailing the four proposed instructional models that were considered during stakeholder feedback sessions for the 2020-21 school year. 

The schedule options discussed would have students:

  • Take six classes simultaneously.
  • Take three classes simultaneously.
  • Take two classes simultaneously in three, six-week grading periods each semester.
  • Take two classes simultaneously in three trimesters spread throughout the school year.

A Hybrid Model

The school’s anticipated schedule, based on feedback about distance learning from students, teachers, parents and school staff and administrators, focuses on a hybrid instructional model in which students will take two classes at a time in approximately six-week increments.

In this hybrid scenario, the student body will be divided into three cohorts: morning, afternoon and distance learning only. The morning cohort would take one of their two courses on Monday and Thursday mornings and the other one on Tuesdays and Fridays, then be dismissed and be expected to attend their distance learning instruction after that. The afternoon cohort would then come to campus after the morning cohort has been dismissed. Students are expected in the Hybrid Model to attend both in-person and distance learning instructional sessions. 

Students would not come to campus on Wednesdays, when cleaning and disinfecting of campus would take place, however students may receive additional on-campus support based on programmatic needs. Daily cleaning and disinfection practices will also be implemented. On this day, teachers will provide distance learning support for students while also having time to collaborate in department-based Professional Learning Communities.

A Semester’s Worth of Credit Each Grading Period

The schedule option that has students taking two classes at a time would allow students to complete a semester’s worth of credit each grading period, the same as if they took six classes at the same time under a traditional schedule. It allows all six courses to be offered both semesters while giving students in-person contact four times a week and seeing each teacher twice a week.


This two-class-at-a-time model also allows for flexibility if the school is required to start the year in full distance learning mode or has to transition to it at some point based on California Department of Public Health. It also minimizes the amount of change for all stakeholders (students, staff and parents) as the schedule would not have to be altered if it moved into or out of full distance learning.

Next Steps

Principal Ramirez said next steps in the schedule development process include considering critical supports for SBHS special education, English Learner, AVID, advanced placement, and other student groups, as well as collaborating with the teachers’ and classified employees’ unions on schedule considerations.

Updates will be provided throughout the summer to staff, students, families and the community as decisions are made about scheduling, health and safety protocols, and student support.

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