34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

San Benito transit limits bus schedule to essential trips

Courtesy of San Benito County PIO David Westrick:

County Express is providing public transportation for essential trips allowed under the shelter in place orders: to hospitals, health care providers, pharmacies, grocery stores, and other places that are necessary. We have limited most of our services in response to the orders.

When you ride the bus, you must keep a distance of at least six feet between you and the driver and other passengers.

Limited Service Starting March 20, 2020

The following routes are not running:
• Fixed Route: Red, Green and Blue Lines
• Intercounty Gavilan
• Weekend Dial-a-Ride.

Routes and Services that Are Available

We are providing Dial a Ride Monday through Friday for essential trips. Please call a day ahead to schedule a ride if you can. Calling in advance helps us plan and get you to your destination on time.

Intercounty- Caltrain and Intercounty – Greyhound are in service.

Fare-Free for Safety

Rides on County Express will be free through April 7. We are not collecting fares. You do not need to buy tokens or passes and do not have to deposit a token or cash into the farebox.

What’s Next

This is a rapidly changing situation. We might make more changes to service and bus frequency. We will update the public by posting on our website and on our Facebook page. We update our website daily after 4:00 pm and publish rider alerts on Facebook as often as possible.


You can call (831) 636-4161 to check on service or schedule a ride for essential travel.

