34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

San Benito courts announce changes due to virus

Courtesy of the San Benito County Superior Court:

Effective immediately through May 4, 2020 the San Benito Superior Court will reschedule the following matters in order to curtail the effect and spread of COVID-19 (Corona Virus):

Out of Custody Criminal Arraignments.
Out of Custody Misdemeanor Pre-Trial Conferences.
Truancy Court.
Drug Court.
Behavioral Health Court.
Traffic Arraignments.
Criminal Fine Reviews.
Civil and Probate Jury and Court Trials.
Unlimited Civil Motions.
Limited Civil Motions and Trials – excepting Unlawful Detainers.
Adoption Proceedings.
Non-urgent Trust & Estate Matters.
Case Management Conferences.
Mandatory Settlement Conferences.
Non-Emergency Family Hearings and Trials.
Friday Morning Walk-In Calendar.       

The Court will also suspend in person Self Help Center appointments and walk-ins. Although Court proceedings are an essential service of government, the Court must also balance the protection of public health and safety. In taking these actions, it is the Court’s hope and intent to reduce the number of employees, jurors, parties and attorneys in the Court consistent with recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order dated March 12, 2020. This is not in response to a specific notice of exposure at a Court facility or to any Court staff. Instead it is in an abundance of caution to help limit the spread of the virus and the potential for future exposure.  

The Court will monitor the situation closely and update these policies on an ongoing basis.


