36.5 F
San Benito
March 12, 2025

San Benito County declares state of emergency for coronavirus

In light of the recent events quickly unfolding, we wanted to share some of the latest information on how the County of San Benito is moving forward addressing COVID‐19 (Novel Coronavirus).

After careful consideration, the County of San Benito has proclaimed a local state of emergency today, Friday, March 6, 2020, to prepare for impacts associated with the COVID‐19 (Novel Coronavirus). The proclamation will go before the Board of Supervisors for ratification Tuesday, March 10, 2020. The announcement and the proclamation is attached as “Exhibit A” for your information. Several California counties, as well as the State of California, have declared States of Emergency, primarily to access funds.

This proclamation is about preparedness to better adapt and give the County the administrative ability and dexterity to adapt County Operations, request mutual aid if needed, and ensure the allocation of more resources as it relates to COVID‐19 (Novel Coronavirus). In addition, the Office of Emergency Services has activated the EOC to Level 3 – its lowest level – to support the Health Department and local health partners in monitoring and preparing for COVID‐19 and to coordinate increased public information efforts.

It is also good to know that our hard‐working professionals at Public Health regularly practice and prepare themselves and medical facilities for emergencies. The County’s team of public health professionals and medical providers have been monitoring COVID‐19 since the first outbreak of this and have been actively preparing. Public Health and our community partners including first responders, healthcare providers, schools, businesses, faith communities, and others are working collectively and collaboratively for the health of our community.

All of us have the responsibility to become prepared and ready for any of the changes that are likely to affect our daily lives. Staying informed is critical. This is not a time to panic, but to plan for the possible disruptions to our daily lives. So, be prepared, plan, stay calm, and informed. Public Health is working to keep our community safe, but all of us have a part in this. All residents can do their part to help reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses like COVID‐19 by using flu prevention measures such as handwashing and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects. Stay informed about the best measures to keep yourself and your family healthy.

For more information about novel coronavirus (COVID‐19), see the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019‐ncov/index.html and visit the San Benito County Public Health Services website for updated local information at http://hhsa.cosb.us/publichealth/

For more information, please contact Edgar Nolasco, Deputy County Administrative Officer at [email protected].


