35.9 F
San Benito
January 18, 2025

Revised criteria announced for pandemic reopenings

Courtesy of San Benito County:

Governor Newson announced today that California has a new blueprint for reducing COVID-19 in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities.
Every county in California is assigned to a tier, based on its rate of new cases and positivity.  At a minimum, counties must remain in a tier for at least 3 weeks before moving forward.  Data is reviewed weekly and tiers are updated on Tuesdays. To move forward, a county must meet the next tier’s criteria for two consecutive weeks.  If a county’s metrics worsen for two consecutive weeks, it will be assigned a more restrictive tier.  Our Public Health Officer and staff are constantly monitoring data and can makes changes as necessary.  San Benito County is currently in the Widespread (Purple)Tier 1.
Governor Newsom also announced today effective August 31, 2020, hair salons and barbershops can reopen indoor with modifications. Industry guidance can be found here for Hair Salons and Barbershops. The State of California also has a checklist for reopening Hair Salons and Barbershops here.  Further, all retail and shopping centers at maximum 25% capacity can reopen.  Industry guidance can be found here Shopping Malls, Centers and Outlets.
The revised criteria can be accessed at https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ .  On this site, you can search the activity and/or business of interest.
Further, the Employer Playbook for Safe Reopening can be found here. The playbook includes detailed information on:

  • When and how an employer must report a COVID-19 positive employee.
  • What is defined as an outbreak.
  • Guidance for employers who may be considering whether to suspend operations due to COVID-19 spread in the workplace.

Wearing a mask or face covering is required statewide in public or common spaces. Employers must provide face coverings to workers or must reimburse workers for the reasonable cost of obtaining them.
A complete list of Industry Guidance can be found at:

