36 F
San Benito
January 18, 2025

Regional agency to host webinar on electric vehicles

Courtesy of Monterey Bay Community Power:

Electric vehicle (EV) cars are poised to transform the transportation industry. There are more models to choose from now, and they are more affordable than ever before. They are also higher-performing than gasoline cars and have a big impact in reducing carbon emissions on a large scale. Despite the attention that EVs are getting these days, some people still have concerns about how EVs operate. To help demystify electric vehicles, the Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance (MBEVA) and Monterey Bay Community Power (MBCP) are hosting a webinar to give people the confidence and information they need to switch from gas-powered vehicles to EVs.

WHEN: Thursday, August 6, 2020 from Noon – 1 p.m. 

WHERE: Online Webinar, Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IvFUHPcrR2CSqJC9aVZrgA

WHO: Electric Vehicle Charging: Everything You Need to Know

Sponsored by Monterey Bay Community Power

Hosted by Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance

The webinar is a FREE 1-hour presentation where participants will learn that EV charging is easier than they think. The presentation will cover:

  • Electricity and Renewable Energy Basics
  • Charging Differences: Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast
  • Charging Infrastructure: Where to Charge on a Trip and Locally
  • Length of Time to Charge
  • Cost of Charging
  • Best Charging Times
  • Affordability of Purchasing an EV

Nearly 82% of local greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. EVs represent one way for individuals to significantly reduce their carbon footprints. Coupled with the environmental and financial benefits, the growing convenience of electric vehicles thanks to longer ranges and expanding charging infrastructure is causing a steady increase in use. 

EVs have been sold in the United States since 2011. Since then, the number of EVs sold annually has increased significantly, and California accounts for approximately 47% (70,000 vehicles) of the total EVs sold in the United States. As an innovative leader in sustainability, California has a goal of 5 million EVs on the road by 2030. Currently, EVs make up 1% of all vehicles in the Monterey Bay region. In order to meet statewide goals and continue shaping the Monterey Bay region as an innovative leader in sustainability, our area’s EV ownership must grow to 15% by 2030. 

“With social distancing concerns, experts anticipate a reversal in what was a declining trend of car sales and a short-term return to single occupancy vehicle driving,” shared Ecology Action VP of Community Programs, Kirsten Liske. “It’s imperative to sustain life on earth that we shift as many as we can of those trips to low/zero carbon electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. This charging workshop can show you how.”

The goals of MBCP and MBEVA are to encourage and accelerate easy access to zero-emission vehicles by offering FREE events that support education, infrastructure, and the demonstration of benefits.

“Education plays an important role in assisting our communities with the transition from fossil fuels to clean and renewable energy resources; transportation is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gasses,” shares MBCP energy Programs Interim Director, Dan Bertoldi. “We’re excited to be partnering with Ecology Action to support their EV Charging Webinar as part of our mutual commitment to outreach, education and local GHG reduction.”

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