Courtesy of San Benito County:
To reduce employee exposure to COVID-19, Recology is requiring all extra recyclable material to be inside of the Recology cart in order to be serviced. The following changes are effective immediately:
• Cardboard must be broken down to fit completely within your blue recyclables cart.
• Any cardboard outside of your cart will no longer be picked up by our drivers.
• Extra clothes/textiles must be contained within a clear plastic bag and placed inside of the blue recyclables cart.
Please place extra recyclables inside of your cart, call customer service at (831) 636-7500 and we will return to service your container at no extra cost within 48 hours.
We will continue to pick up batteries, used oil jugs & filters (in Recology provided receptacles) left with your blue recyclables cart.
This temporary change will stay in effect until further notice.