32.1 F
San Benito
March 16, 2025

Pinnacles National Park proposes fee increase

Pinnacles National Park is proposing to increase entrance fees, according to the park.

Pinnacles announced the proposal in a press statement as stated below:

Pinnacles National Park proposes to increase entrance fees in 2018 in order to fund services and maintenance that will directly benefit park visitors. The proposed entrance fee increase for Pinnacles is derived from a standard pricing model developed for all parks.

Type of Pass Current Fee Proposed Fee
Single Vehicle (7 days) $15 $25
Motorcycle (7 days) $15 $20
Individual (7 days) $10 $12
Pinnacles Annual Pass $25 $50

Entrance fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or holders of the America the Beautiful-The National Parks and Federal Recreational Annual, Senior, Access, Military, or Volunteer Passes. These passes may be obtained at the park.

Additional revenue generated by this fee increase would be used to enhance visitor services by funding projects such as the rehabilitation of the Bear Valley School, the construction of vault toilets to replace portable facilities, and the building of a new entrance station on the east side of the park.

A 30-day public comment period will open on Tuesday, August 29th and close on Thursday, September 28th. Interested parties are encouraged to make comments electronically via the National Park Service’s Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/pinn. Click on: 2018 Proposed Fee Increase.

To submit written comments by letter, you may send them by U.S. Postal Service or other mail delivery service, or hand-deliver your comments to Superintendent, Pinnacles National Park, Attn: Proposed Fee Increase, 5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043. Comments submitted by e-mail and anonymous comments will not be accepted.

