33.5 F
San Benito
March 13, 2025

Panetta cosponsors new assault rifle ban legislation

Congressman Jimmy Panetta is cosponsoring new Assault Rifle Ban legislation.

The congressman who represents San Benito County made this announcement on the legislation Monday afternoon:

Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-20) today cosponsored the reintroduction of the Assault Weapons Ban. The previous federal assault weapons ban, the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Act, was signed into law in 1994 and expired in 2004.

This legislation will prohibit the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of semiautomatic weapons and ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than ten rounds, while protecting hunting and sporting rifles and assault weapons used by members of the military and law enforcement. This legislation will improve upon the previous Assault Weapons Ban and existing state bans by prohibiting duplicates or altered facsimiles with semiautomatic capabilities and prohibiting the importation of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

“Reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban is an important step in addressing our country’s gun violence epidemic,” said Congressman Panetta. “Having deployed to Afghanistan, I know what these weapons of war can do in combat. I also know that these types of firearms belong on the battlefield, not on school grounds, at concerts, or places of worship. Although there is still much to do to reform our nation’s gun laws, this legislation will reduce the frequency and lethality of mass shootings like we saw in Parkland, Florida and Newtown, Connecticut.”

“Assault weapons were made for one purpose. They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities,” said Congressman David N. Cicilline, the House sponsor of the Assault Weapons Ban. “I am proud to introduce the Assault Weapons Ban with the support of leaders in law enforcement. It’s on all of us to end this carnage.”

Congressman Panetta has also cosponsored HR 1478 the Gun Violence Research Act, HR 1832 for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct or support research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention, HR 2598 the Gun Violence Restraining Order Act of 2017, HR 2670 the Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act, HR 3947 the Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act, HR 4240 the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2017, and H.RES 367 establishing the Select Committee on Gun Violence Prevention.

On Facebook on Monday, Panetta went on about his involvement and wrote the following:

Today, I along with dozens of my colleagues in the House, introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018.

Similar legislation was signed into law in 1994, but expired in 2004. Reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban is an important step in addressing our country’s gun violence epidemic.

Having deployed to Afghanistan, I know what these weapons of war can do in combat. I also know that these types of firearms belong on the battlefield, not on school grounds, at concerts, or places of worship.

Although there is still much to do to reform our nation’s gun laws, this legislation will reduce the frequency and lethality of mass shootings like we saw in Parkland, Florida and Newtown, Connecticut.

This legislation will prohibit the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of semiautomatic weapons and ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than ten rounds, while protecting hunting and sporting rifles and assault weapons used by members of the military and law enforcement. This legislation will improve upon the previous Assault Weapons Ban and existing state bans by prohibiting duplicates or altered facsimiles with semiautomatic capabilities and prohibiting the importation of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

