43.6 F
San Benito
March 11, 2025

Local public officials to receive ethics education

Courtesy of Veronica Lezama, LULAC media coordinator:

California State law requires elected officials to receive training on public service ethics laws and principles every two years, per Assembly Bill 1234. By attending this ethics educational opportunity, local public officials will be able to satisfy their AB 1234 training requirement, but must RSVP by the March 8, 2019 deadline.

In an effort to increase ethics education, transparency, and accountability, the League of United Latin America Citizens (LULAC), Council 2890, of San Benito County welcomes all local elected and appointed officials for an ethics training workshop on Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the San Benito High School Cafeteria, located at 1220 Monterey Street in Hollister, CA.

“Ethics training is a State of California requirement of rules and regulations instituted to assure transparency of elected officials, which is paramount to public trust. San Benito County LULAC invites the public to the ethics training to learn what is takes to keep your elected officials accountable. Great elected leaders keep themselves accountable to their constituents,”said Richard Perez, San Benito LULAC President-Elect.

The workshop is significant, as it is the first time that a California State Bar Board of Trustee conducts a training in San Benito County. The ethics training workshop will be presented by Attorney Ruben Duran.

Mr. Duran is a Municipal Law Attorney and Partner at Best Best & Krieger LLP

Bio www.bbklaw.com/our-team/ruben-duran). He serves as General Counsel to six public agencies and serves by appointment to the State Bar of California Board of Trustees. He is a frequent speaker and presenter at numreous events on ethics and open government. Attorney Duran enjoys meeting and interacting with public officials and employees from throughout the State, sharing a common goal of efficient, effective, and ethical public service.

To RSVP for the ethics educational tranning, please email Ruth Hermosillo at [email protected].

