Anybody who needs a coronavirus test – and who meets the federal criteria – gets tested in San Benito County.
That’s the message from Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital, said Frankie Gallagher, director of marketing and communications. She said the hospital will test residents as long as their symptoms meet guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
“We’re telling them to call their physicians first and talk to their physician first,” Gallagher said. “But don’t show up in the E.R.”
Patients can call the hospital’s hotline at (831) 636-2640 and set up to be triaged in a special tent set up on site.
If there is an emergency, staff can arrange to meet the person at his or her vehicle, or patients can schedule a time do have an assessment done.
She said if people have symptoms such as a fever or cough, the hospital does not want them just walking into the emergency room, putting others at risk.
Gallagher said the hospital does have ample testing supplies as of Friday. A surge in cases, however, could cause supply issues.
“Those that meet the criteria are getting tested,” she said.