49.5 F
San Benito
March 12, 2025

Hospital ER director urges locals to be ‘active participants’ in coronavirus containment

Courtesy of Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital:

With the Coronavirus pandemic reaching a heightened state of alert, Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department Medical Director, Michael Bogey, M.D., is asking for help from the community to become active participants in the containment of this virus. 

“I cannot stress enough the importance of preparation over panic,” says Dr. Bogey.

There is currently one active case of the virus in San Benito County, eleven other people that had suspicious symptoms were tested at HHMH and all tested negative.  “We’ve had an influx of community members coming in or calling and asking to be tested, said Dr. Bogey. I need to stress that there are strict CDC criteria for testing and if you have mild or no symptoms, don’t ask to be screened and do not just show up at the ER to be tested; we will be unable to test you if you don’t meet the CDC guidelines.  We cannot deplete our testing supplies and personal protective equipment for the worried well.”

“People need to use common sense and stay home and socially distance themselves in order contain this virus,” states Dr. Bogey.  “It is highly likely that there are people out in the community that have a mild case of the virus and are showing no symptoms, but can transmit COVID-19 through social contact.  If you follow guidelines set forth by the county health department and CDC, you and your family have a better chance of minimizing your risk of exposure to this virus.”

Here are some basic protective measures against COVID-19:

·        Practice basic hand hygiene, including hand sanitizing and hand washing.

·        Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

·        Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

·        Do not shake hands, hug or kiss when greeting people.

·        Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze.

·        Sanitize and disinfect frequently touched surfaces on a regular basis.

·        Stay home if the following symptoms are present: fever (temperature greater than 100 degrees), chills, cough and shortness of breath, muscle aches, and fatigue.

What to do if you are ill:   Monitor your symptoms

If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately.

Emergency warning signs include*:

·       Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

·       High fever

·       Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

·       New confusion or inability to arouse

·       Bluish lips or face

*This list is not all inclusive.  Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

If you are coming to the ER and believe you may have COVID-19 according to the above warning signs, please call our Emergency Department hotline at (831) 636-2640 so we can arrange for a staff member to meet you in the parking lot for triage.

About Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital

Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital is a full-service, public agency hospital delivering modern medicine and compassionate care to the growing San Benito County community. HHMH offers hundreds of health services across multiple locations, including top-tier specialists, a modern Emergency Department, and a state-of-the-art Women’s Center. To learn more about Hazel Hawkins Hospital, please visit www.hazelhawkins.com.

