38.5 F
San Benito
March 13, 2025

Hollister schools to send out student packets for distance learning

Courtesy of the Hollister School District:

Dear Parents,

We thank you all for your understanding during this school closure. The impact of COVID-19 is far reaching and will require our collaborative efforts. The Hollister School District will update parents as information becomes available. We are working collaboratively with the San Benito County Office of Education, other local districts, and San Benito Public Health officials. 

Student Learning (March 16-20)

On March 13, 2020,  Governor Newsom issued a mandate that school districts must “continue delivering high-quality educational opportunities to students”. Our district administrators, site principals, and office staff are working in their respective main offices.

Our teachers are using technology to work from home. Teachers are currently creating lessons and activities that will be included in “Week 1 Student Packets”. The packets will be specific for each grade level. These packets will become available on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 10am. The student packets will be available for pick up at our food service locations. 

Students will not be required to complete the work accessed in this manner, nor will the work be graded. However, we are providing these lessons and activities so that children can continue to learn in the home.

The district will post the Week 1 Student Packets online at www.hesd.org.

Campus Access

District offices and schools are closed to the public. It is essential that we minimize social interactions at this time. Parents may call their school office or the district office with any questions.

Special Education

Modified learning packets will be provided, which will be available on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 10am.

Students will not be required to complete any of the work accessed in this manner, nor will the work be graded. However, we are providing these lessons and activities so that children can continue to learn in the home.

 More information will be provided in the coming days regarding IEP services. This situation remains fluid. Should there be any IEP meetings scheduled during the closure, your case manager will contact you to reschedule. 

The student packets will be available for pick up at our food service location at your student’s school site. The district will post the Week 1 SPED Student Packets online


Food Service During School Closure

The Hollister School District Student Nutrition department will continue to provide meals at no charge for all students during our school closure. Families may drive up to our pick up locations to receive the meals and students must be in the vehicle.  The District will provide a lunch for that day and a breakfast for the following day. Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 student meals will be available from 10 am to 1 pm at:

Calaveras Elementary School

Cerra Vista Elementary School

Ladd Lane Elementary School

Maze Middle School

Rancho San Justo Middle School

RO Hardin Elementary School

Sunnyslope Elementary School

Campus Cleaning and Disinfection

Our site custodial staff is methodically going through each classroom and offices to disinfect surfaces. School cafeterias, bathrooms, and kitchens are being deep cleaned to ensure that all touch surfaces are properly disinfected.

Next Steps

We will communicate with parents and families on a daily basis regarding any updated information. All communications will be posted on the www.hesd.org website on a daily basis.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our District Nurses at 831-630-6300 or by email at [email protected]. You may also email your school principal or call any school office for more support.


Diego Ochoa, Superintendent

