The following are crimes reported in Hollister from April 23-29:
April 23
Vehicle theft on Nash Road
April 24
Carry dirk/dagger on Nash Road
Petty theft on Sally Street
Forge name on Airline Highway
Under the influence of a controlled substance on San Felipe Road
April 25
Grand theft on El Cerro Drive
Grand theft on San Benito Street
Contempt on Fourth Street
Loitering on Vallejo Drive
Forgery on Tres Pinos Road
Marijuana DUI on Rustic Street
Tamper with vehicle on Airline Highway
April 26
Disorderly conduct on San Benito Street
Attempted burglary on Sixth Street
April 27
DUI on El Camino De Vida
Vandalism on Cannery Row
Loitering on Sixth Street
Disorderly conduct on Meridian Street
April 28
DUI on Airline Highway
Petty theft on Vallejo Drive
Grand theft on Hill Street
Obstruction on Third Street
April 29
DUI on San Benito Street
Offensive words in a public place on Paul Drive
Possession of a controlled substance on Central Avenue
Assault with a deadly weapon, not a firearm on Fourth Street
Possession of narcotics on East Street
Possession of unlawful paraphernalia on Seventh Street
These reports exclude some allegations such as those involving domestic violence, sex crimes or issues with child victims.