70.1 F
San Benito
September 6, 2024

Update: Hollister OKs entering into talks with Recology

Hollister City Council members Monday agreed to enter into exclusive negotiations with Recology for the next waste contract.
Council members voted 4-0 on the matter with Councilman Jim Gillio recusing himself. Gillio, who is running for District 4 supervisor, owns Central Ag Supply in the county.
The city, along with San Benito County and San Juan Bautista, have been considering applicants for the new waste contract, with Recology’s current 10-year contract set to expire June 30.
A committee comprised of top staff officials had recommended Recology among three applicants. The committee assigned to recommending the provider was City Manager Bill Avera, San Benito County County Administrative Officer Ray Espinosa and Michaela LaForge.
A city council report notes that Recology proposed the lowest residential rates, had existing knowledge of the area, and would be equipped to handle a transition toward new services. The panel also noted how Recology has a strong track record for customer service and positive support of local organizations. Waste companies, meanwhile, are required to meet new diversion mandates set forth by the state.
The three government entities have been considering proposals from Recology, Green Waste Recycling and RJR Recycling.
Franchise fees paid to the city will increase from about $216,000 to $333,000.
A report using a scoring system that was issued in March, meanwhile, ranked the three companies on such criteria as Responsiveness to the RFP, Qualifications and Experience, Proposal for Collection Services, Cost, Suggested Changes to Franchise Agreement, and Environmental Enhancements.
GreenWaste scored the highest, with Recology second and RJR third, according to the report.
The report notes how Phil Couchee with Recology has been managing the current franchise agreement in San Benito County since 2007 when it was awarded the 10-year franchise contract. It notes how GreenWaste has 30 years of experience in the solid waste industry, and manages franchise agreements with the City of San Jose and various other surrounding communities.
GreenWaste Recovery also proposed the highest costs among the three firms.
The three governing bodies are expected to approve a contractor in April/May and a contract by June.
Here is an excerpt from the collection report:

Read the full report below:

