Courtesy of the Hollister School District:
Lilia Espinoza is the recipient of the Hollister School District Administrator of the Week award on this first week of school. She has, since her first day on the R.O. Hardin campus one year ago, focused on building a can-do supportive environment for student learning. This has been no small feat in this 2019-2020 school year!
In her first year she immediately rallied her staff and resources to build a schoolwide reading program to reach all students at their level and that assures accelerated growth. She has led R.O. Hardin to be a model within the Hollister School District for early literacy instruction. A model which is validated by measurable student growth and the levels of enthusiasm and pride in teachers, students, and parents.
Ms. Espinoza has worked tirelessly since the closure of schools in March to ensure her teachers are equipped to provide students just what they need for continuous learning in these uncertain times. She leads by example and inspires all those around her to embrace learning, be creative, and offer one another grace and respect while doing so. Whether building individualized intervention groups, learning cutting edge digital resources, handing out materials, providing insight and input while negotiating, or listening and responding to parents, she always has the students at heart. She lights up when talking about her students and is always sharing what their strengths are. It is with great pride that the Hollister School District recognizes Lilia Espinoza as the Administrator of the Week.
Mary Villegas is the recipient of the Hollister School District Teacher of the Week award. Ms. Villegas has worked for the Hollister School District for 17 years. She has taught all elementary grades between Calaveras Elementary and R. O. Hardin
Elementary. Her favorite grade being…them all!! Her mom states, “Mary wanted to be a teacher since she was 10 years old. When she left for college, she told me she would be back to teach in Hollister!”
Recently, Ms. Villegas was gracious enough to co-host the Educational Services Town Hall on Friday, July 31, 2020. She brought the voice of an experienced master teacher to the forum. She eagerly answered the questions of parents, shared ideas for a great transition to distance learning as well as shared the wonderful ways she has been hard at work all summer creating an engaging teaching environment from her home office to make kids feel comfortable.
We appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that Ms. Villegas has poured into our Hollister School District students.
Annabelle Alvarez is the recipient of the Hollister School District Classified Employee of the Week award. Any department is just as good as it’s secretary. Annabelle Alvarez is extraordinary! She is most deserving of being recognized by the Hollister School District as Classified Employee of The Week for her ability to accomplish tasks timely, accurately and with a positive spirit of service. Director of Educational Services Caroline Calero acknowledged, “Annabelle has an intensity to do everything right and on time.” You can often find Annabelle walking swiftly from office to office and department to department. Patrisia Martinez EL Coordinator added, ¨ Her energy inspires us all¨.
She interfaces with other district employees and the public on a daily basis and does it with a smile and eagerness to help. She is everyone’s “go-to” person for answers. Ms. Alvarez focuses on problem solving in the interest of doing what’s best for staff, teachers, students and their families. She has been extremely flexible and cooperative in these changing times. She is the ultimate professional and team player.
Ms. Alvarez has expertise in the workings of the Educational Services Department and the whole district. She is highly organized and those skills keep the department running. She is instrumental in the planning and execution of professional development. She supports instruction by ensuring that textbooks, materials and digital resources are ordered and distributed. She supports EL services and the R.I.S.E. Academy by assisting the Educational Services Coordinators. She makes every effort to share her knowledge and makes everyone around her that much better.
Most of all, she is an approachable and friendly person, often sharing her snack with others or bringing unexpected tea when someone is not feeling well. She comforts teachers over the phone and advocates for the needs of our students with vendors. She is a friend to the district and to us all. The Educational Services Department and Hollister School District as a whole is lucky to have her as an exemplary example of what it means to do the honorable work of serving our students and community.