31.5 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Hollister council to again weigh legalizing adult-use cannabis shops

Hollister council members Monday will again consider the concept of allowing adult-use cannabis dispensaries in the city and not just medicinal shops.

Hollister City Council members are set to meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.

Local voters in 2016 were in line with state voters in legalizing recreational, or adult-use, marijuana dispensaries. But the city has yet to legalize them here, instead opting in June of last year to allow medicinal marijuana dispensaries that have been legal in California since 1996.

In 2016 when California voters passed Proposition 64, legalizing adult-use retail cannabis, 55.5 percent of local voters also said yes to the idea.

In January, the council took up a proposal from City Manager Bill Avera to legalize adult-use shops, but a majority of the council wanted to table the item until May and also preferred hearing from residents again before making that decision.

Public speakers on the matter at Hollister council meetings, for the most part, have been the same group of people, some for and some against it.

On Monday, the council will hear a report on the proposed changes, the most substantial being the change from allowing just medical marijuana to OK’ing adult-use dispensaries for the first time.

The city currently permits two medical marijuana dispensaries, Higher Level of Care at 1802 Shelton Drive and Monterey Bay Alternative Medicine at 773 San Felipe Road.

