43.6 F
San Benito
March 11, 2025

Agenda: Hollister council to talk growth after governor’s ultimatum

The Hollister City Council will hold a special meeting Monday where members will receive an update on the growth management plan in light of the governor’s recent crackdown on communities that are on the edge of non-compliance or non-compliant altogether with housing mandates.

Gov. Gavin Newsom came out last week announcing possible legal action against nearly 50 California cities, including Hollister and San Juan Bautista, which are close to non-compliance or out of compliance altogether with the state’s requirements when it comes to growth planning.

The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St., for the special meeting. The following are items on the agenda:

Report on growth plan:

The City Council will receive a report on the draft growth management ordinance (Planning).

Facilitation consultant:

Authorize an agreement with MoreThanTalk LLC, for a Facilitation Package for City Council and approving an appropriation in an amount not to $5000.00 (City Clerk).

Impact fee report:

The City Council will receive a presentation from Willdan Financial Services on the administrative draft Public Facilities Impact Fee Update for City Hall/City Yard Facilities, parks, public facilities, sewer, storm drainage and water. The city will also receive information on a recent library and jail/juvenile hall impact fee assessment completed by San Benito County.

Staff recommends that the City Council do the following: 1) Receives the report and directs staff to return with a resolution to adopt updated impact fees for City Hall/City Yard, parks, public facilities, sewer, storm drainage and water. 2) Direct staff to return with a resolution to adopt an update to the Library and Jail/juvenile hall using the 2017 impact fee assessment completed by San Benito County; 3) Direct the Police and Fire Departments to prepare costs estimates for updates to the Capital Improvement Programs for each Department.

Report on park requirements:

The City Council will receive a presentation on the requirements of park land dedication and park land construction including park requirements under the Zoning Code.

