34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Hollister considers flavored tobacco ban

Hollister council members Monday will hear a proposal to restrict or ban flavored tobacco in the city.

Council members will hear a report on the proposal at the 6:30 p.m. meeting Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.

If Hollister goes down the path of banning flavored tobacco, it would join 26 cities, towns or counties that have existing bans or restrictions on the products. Santa Clara County and San Francisco are on the list of those communities.

The consideration also comes while there is an active State Senate bill proposing a statewide ban on flavored tobacco, which would include flavored vape products and menthol cigarettes as well. Sen. Jerry Hill, from San Mateo authored the legislation with support from 20 other lawmakers attached to the bill, according to the council agenda.

An agenda summary for Monday’s Hollister council meeting notes that the tate has continually touted the risks of these products and the potential increase of youth tobacco use due to them.

Other items on the council agenda include the following:

Model T Ford Club event closure

The Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club will hold its annual run and parade for the third straight year in Hollister. The council will consider a closure of Fifth Street from 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. June 9 for the event. It is an endurance run and lowland tour involving classic Model T Ford vehicles.

Prop. 68 funds for three park facilities

The state is now accepting applications for use of $6 billion in Prop. 68 funds toward park improvements. The city is asking to apply for funds to use at Brigantino Park, the Leatherback recreation facility and a recreation facility at Fire Station No. 2.

400 block of San Benito Street agreement

The city will consider amendments to the dissolution agreement with Del Curto Brothers and the Community Foundation for San Benito County on the 400 block of San Benito Street mixed-use project. Those amendments include direction given from the council Jan. 22 regarding reservation of parking spaces in the Briggs Building garage. The foundation will no longer have reserved spots set aside, while the city is looking at charging Del Curto Brothers a per-spot fee for its condo users.

49er flag football

The city is looking at spending $2,000 to partner with the 49ers and offer a no-cost flag football program for local youths. According to the agenda: The free co-ed youth flag football program consists of 8 weeks, teams will be comprised of 3 coed divisions ranging in ages 7-15 years old. San Francisco 49ers provides each player with a set of flags and belt, a 49ers reversible jersey, and a mouth guard. Included in the agreement is all the equipment needed for a successful flag football league such as stop watches, whistles for coaches, 24 game cones, coach shirts, referee shirts and game-day penalty flags.

Rebel Rally

The council will hear a report on plans for a “Rebel Rally” at the Veterans Memorial Building in downtown Hollister. With the official Hollister Motorcycle Rally canceled the past couple of years, there are still smaller events held over the July 4 weekend. Corbin and Russ Brown are sponsoring the Rebel Rally festivities at the Vet’s Hall for a second straight year, according to the city agenda.

