The holiday season is coming up fast, and there are an array of events coming to San Juan Bautista over the next couple months.
The first holiday event is the Downtown Merchants Shop and Sip Open House on Saturday, Nov. 10.
SJB Historic Downtown Merchants and SJB Community Business Association are asking all the SJB building owners and merchants to have the preferred clear icicle lights or clear Christmas lights on the buildings and window decorations up by November 10, and stay up though out the Holiday season.
Before then, San Juan Bautista Rotary is scheduled to hang the Mission Saints on Friday, Oct. 26. The City of San Juan and the Downtown Merchants will be placing the halos and the light pole lights along with the Saints.
Additionally, mark your calendars for such events as the Dia de Los Muertos celebration, the Rotary Ghost Walk, and the 13th annual Holiday of Lights Celebration & Parade.
For a full list of the upcoming events in San Juan, see below: