Courtesy of Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital:
Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital staff has been working closely with the San Benito County Public Health Department and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to prepare for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Hospital staff have tested their policies and procedures to receive, assess, treat and/or transfer any suspected COVID-19 patients.
While there are currently no active cases of the virus in San Benito County, HHMH staff is ready to respond if that changes. Today, the hospital set up their mobile E.R. triage tent in the ambulance bay outside of the Emergency Department. Should there be an outbreak of the virus or a patient surge, the tent will become operational in screening symptomatic patients that meet the criteria set forth by the CDC for COVID-19.Â
“This process allows us to minimize exposure to our staff and other patients in the ER while we evaluate a symptomatic patient’s condition,” said Dr. Michael Bogey, HHMH Emergency Department Medical Director.
If you are showing symptoms — fever and cough, or difficulty breathing — you are encouraged to call ahead to (831) 636-2640 before walking straight into the ER.
About Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital
Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital is a full-service, public agency hospital delivering modern medicine and compassionate care to the growing San Benito County community. HHMH offers hundreds of health services across multiple locations, including top-tier specialists, a modern Emergency Department, and a state-of-the-art Women’s Center. To learn more about Hazel Hawkins Hospital, please visit