32.5 F
San Benito
January 19, 2025

Guidance clarified for local restaurants

On July 29, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released guidance for Restaurants providing outdoor dining, takeout, drivethrough, and delivery. 

• Indoor operations for dine-in restaurants, wineries, and tasting rooms must be closed in all counties. 

• Bars, brewpubs, breweries, and pubs must close both indoor and outdoor operations in all counties unless they are offering sit-down, outdoor dine-in meals. Alcohol can only be sold in the same transaction as a meal. 

• Restaurants providing outdoor dining, takeout, drive-through pick-up, and delivered meals may only sell alcohol when purchased in the same transaction as a meal. 

• Establishments must discontinue music and entertainment events: including solo singers, instrumentalists, and DJ’s until these types of activities are allowed to resume modified or full operation. 

• This guidance is not intended for concert, performance, or entertainment venues. Those types of establishments should remain closed until they are allowed to resume modified or full operation through a specific reopening order or guidance. 

• Establishments must take reasonable measures, including posting signage at all entrances and in strategic and highly-visible locations and in reservation confirmations, to remind the public that they must use face coverings while not eating and drinking and practice physical distancing and that they should frequently wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, and not touch their face. 

• Review the guidance, prepare a plan, and post the checklist for restaurants, wineries, and bars in your workplace to show customers and employees that you’ve reduced the risk and are open for business. 

A complete list of Industry Guidance can be found at https://covid19.ca.gov/industry-guidance/ 

COVID-19 Hotline: 831-636-4113 or [email protected]

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