39.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Gavilan launches website dedicated to Measure X

Courtesy of Gavilan College:

Gavilan College is pleased to announce the launch of Gavilan College’s new website dedicated to Measure X – GavilanMeasureX.org.

This website will provide a quick and easy way to access essential information on all things Measure X, including project updates, financial reports, program documents, and more. As the bond program moves ahead, this website will be regularly updated to keep our community, students, staff, and faculty up to date.

Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

Additionally, the Measure X bond website will provide all information regarding the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC), including their meeting schedule, agendas, minutes, and annual reports.

The Gavilan Joint Community College District is currently seeking qualified, interested individuals (current staff are not eligible) to serve on a committee of community leaders which will serve as the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) for the implementation of the Measure X facilities bond program. For further information please visit: http://gavilanmeasurex.org/application-for-membership/

Measure X Email Newsletter

The community is invited to subscribe to the Measure X email newsletter to receive updates regarding Measure X. On the Measure X page, the newsletter form is located at the bottom of the page. Every email also contains an unsubscribe link to opt out at any time.


An election was held in the Gavilan Joint Community College District on November 6, 2018 for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the District for facilities improvements in the maximum amount of $248,000,000.

At their February meeting, the Gavilan College Board of Trustees adopted a Resolution No. 1042, entering the election results into the board minutes and certifying to the Boards of Supervisors of Santa Clara and San Benito Counties all proceedings in the Bond Election.
Adoption of this Resolution started the 60-day period by which time the District must have established the Citizens’ Oversight Committee and all members been appointed by the Board.

