Gavilan College will expand its online offerings through the California Online Education Initiative, a collaboration among community colleges.
According to an announcement from Gavilan:
Gavilan College is pleased to announce acceptance into the California Online Education Initiative (OEI) Consortium. OEI is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges to ensure that significantly more students are able to achieve their educational goals through better access to, and success in, high-quality online courses.
The OEI Consortium provides guidance and recommendations to member colleges on preparation of online courses for the OEI Course Exchange, as well facilitating the offering of the courses statewide.
Only colleges that are accepted in to the Consortium will have the opportunity to participate in the Course Exchange, which provides a seamless pathway for students to register for online courses across participating colleges without requiring students to complete separate admissions processes at each college.
Through the Course Exchange, students who cannot get the courses they need at their home college are able to enroll in equivalent online courses from another college that has available seats. Students enroll via a streamlined registration process at their home college.
Students will benefit by having consistent quality online courses and more support services. There will be an increase in the number of online courses offered at Gavilan College as well as the opportunity to supplement the offerings at Gavilan with courses from other participating colleges. These changes are expected to occur during the 2018-2019 school year.
More information can be found at