29.5 F
San Benito
January 17, 2025

COVID-19 Resource Guide for Giving in San Benito County

With the county in a shelter in place for COVID-19, nonprofit organizations are stepping up to provide essential services. Below, read a resource guide of giving opportunities to learn about donating or volunteering toward these efforts. Local organizations can provide additional information to post if it’s not included here. 

Community Foundation for San Benito County

The Community Foundation for San Benito County swiftly activated a COVID-19 Relief Fund after the pandemic hit. The fund’s proceeds are issued to local nonprofit organizations addressing coronavirus-related needs. Residents can find out how to donate here: https://givesanbenito.org/. Organizations can apply for the Community Foundation’s relief funds here: https://d2dohd3bs3jx97.cloudfront.net/uploads/COVID-Grant-Application-Form.pdf?mtime=20200331122356

Community FoodBank of San Benito County

Community FoodBank of San Benito County’s marketplace Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. has been transformed into a drive-thru pickup. Customers who normally come to the food bank will be able to stay in their vehicles and have bags of groceries brought to them. All questions and new sign-ups for food are served by phone or email. Residents can call (831) 637-0340 or email [email protected] to learn about signing up. To learn about giving monetary donations, go to https://www.communityfoodbankofsbc.org/donate/ or send a check to Community FoodBank, 1133 San Felipe Road, Hollister, CA 95023. Otherwise, call the same office line above for further questions about donating or volunteering opportunities. 

First 5 San Benito

First 5 San Benito, which serves families with young children, is doing a Friday food distribution in the parking lot of the facility at 351 Tres Pinos Road. The organization gives away 500 bags of groceries each week along with other items. The group works with the Community Food Bank of San Benito County, First 5 San Benito, United Way of San Benito County, GoKids Inc and The Family Impact Center Collaborative. To make a reservation, email [email protected] text 831-427-7957 with first/last name, family size, children’s ages and vehicle information (make/model/license plate number/color). First 5 is looking for volunteers to help at the distribution from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fridays. To help out, call (831) 634-2046 or email [email protected]. For more information, go to https://www.first5sanbenito.org/

Jovenes de Antano

Jovenes de Antano is continuing to run its Meals on Wheels program for residents over age 60. Jovenes doesn’t currently have volunteer opportunities. Residents who want to give back to the organization or receive the meals can call (831) 637-9275. For more information: http://jdasbcseniors.org/.

Aromas Community Grange food distribution

While the Aromas Grange has canceled all activities at the venue during the pandemic, it has increased its food distribution each Tuesday from 4-6 p.m. in the Aromas School parking lot. It’s a first-come, first-serve distribution, with food dropped in residents’ vehicles. There are not currently additional volunteer needs. Residents can learn about donating and more on the Grange, go to https://www.facebook.com/aromascommunitygrange or http://www.aromasgrange.org/

My Father’s House/Worth Saving Mercantile & Thrift Store

The dual-purpose organization’s doors are closed but is doing mobile outreach. It delivers food to people who can’t physically prepare it. The organization is also distributing goods to First 5 for its efforts. The organization serves over 100 meals to homeless residents per day. If residents would like to learn more about the distribution, volunteering or donating to the cause, email [email protected] or call (831) 801-7775.

Hazel Hawkins Hospital Foundation

The best thing residents can do right now for the hospital foundation is donating funds. The foundation is helping to pay for such hospital needs as personal protective equipment, tele-health and getting workers set up in home environments. Residents can donate to the health foundation through this link: https://www.mightycause.com/organization/Hazel-Hawkins-Hospitals-Foundation

LULAC of San Benito County

The League of United Latin American Citizens chapter in San Benito County has been focused on needs for local farm workers, previously holding a food drive along with a hoodie and mask drive. Learn more about the LULAC chapter here: https://sanbenitocountylulac2890.org/. More efforts are coming, while LULAC is accepting donations for COVID-19 through PayPal here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MJ4E5ZMRGW2WW&source=url

Emmaus House

The county’s domestic violence shelter for women and children is looking for donated items such as cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, disinfectant spray, surface clearners, sponges, laundry soap, hand sanitizer, canned goods and dairy products. Locals can leave donated items at the Emmaus House entrance by ringing the doorbell, or can call ahead. The number is (831) 630-5899. If residents prefer donating money, they can send those to Emmaus House located at 1191 Sunnyslope Road, Hollister CA 95023. 

Chamberlain’s Youth Services

Chamberlain’s Youth Services has received PPE and help from the Payroll Protection Program, but has experienced some increased expenses. If residents would like to help out through donations, they can do so here: https://chamberlaincc.networkforgood.com/projects/70076-donations. For information about volunteering, go here: https://chamberlainsyouth.org/meet-our-team/

Community Solutions

Community Solutions provides critical services for children, teens, adults and families who are facing times of crisis – ranging from mental health and substance use challenges to domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. The organization remains open during the pandemic. Residents can donate items like diapers, canned food or funds by calling Lisa DeSilva at (408) 846-4717 or email [email protected]. Residents can find out more on volunteering at https://communitysolutions.org/volunteer/ and donating here: https://communitysolutions.org/donate/

Aromas-San Juan Bautista Community Schools Foundation

With the Aromas-San Juan schools spring fundraiser canceled due to COVID-19, the Aromas-San Juan Bautista Community Schools Foundation will hold an online auction to support scholarships, science camps, the Tolerance Trip, the Dual Immersion Program and district Arts Program without a lapse. Get more information here.

See more on the following organizations at the provided links: 

HOME Resource Center (homeless shelter) in San Benito County


Salvation Army


Community Homeless Solutions


Sun Street Centers

Sun Street Centers serving San Benito County

YMCA of San Benito County: 


Additionally, please contact individual churches and other religious organizations to find out how you can provide help. 
Organizations wishing to provide information about donating or volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic can email [email protected] or call (831) 207-9279.


