San Benito County supervisors Tuesday agreed to spend $32,000 to repair a Fairview Road bridge damaged in a May semi-truck accident.
The board unanimously approved of the item during Tuesday’s consent agenda.
According to the agenda prepared for the meeting:
On May 30, a Semi Tractor Trailer accident occur on the Arroyo De Las Viboras Bridge on Fairview Road, damaging the bridge metal guard railings and one wing wall. The bridge metal guard railings have been replaced by another construction contractor.
This project will involve repairing the damage wing wall. The county owns and maintains the Arroyo De Las Viboras Bridge on Fairview Road.
The plans and specifications for these projects are now complete, while the board OK’d moving ahead on advertising for bids. The engineer’s estimate is $32,000. Bids will be due Dec. 6 and are scheduled to come back to the board for award on Jan. 15. Construction is to begin in January and to last one month.