San Benito County supervisors Tuesday put off a decision on additional funding for economic development organizations beyond the $35,000 currently allocated.
On the agenda, supervisors were set to consider approving a budget amendment for 2018-19 to increase economic development appropriations to local organizations. The amount allocated currently is $35,000 toward the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation of San Benito County, Monterey County Business Council and Monterey Bay Economic Partnership.
The EDC of San Benito County, meanwhile, requested two additional weeks to prepare for the consideration before the board put off a decision.

Andrew Shelton of Richard W. Shelton Insurance Marketing in Hollister spoke at the meeting. He’s secretary for the local EDC. He said the organization’s volunteer board was in the process of finalizing a business plan.
The consideration for additional funding comes weeks after newly elected Supervisor Jim Gillio requested the county consider funding to help the EDC hire a full-time executive director. The organization has not filled the role since the departure of former EDC Director Nancy Martin in 2012.