34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

County developing website, using Nixle to reach public on coronavirus

San Benito County is increasing its online presence to better inform the community about coronavirus issues – with a website under development and the use of Nixle to distribute information through text messages and email. 

The county’s new Public Information Officer David Westrick told San Benito Live a website is on the way that will include a summary of resources and information for the public. 

“We’re actually doing that,” he said of a coronavirus website. “I’m waiting to get the status on it.” 

Westrick said he needs a website where he can refer residents for related information. 

“What we’re doing is kind of a culmination of efforts from employees in the county,” he said, adding that it’s close to finished. 

Westrick will pass on the URL when it is completed. Along with a website, the county is using the Nixle application to send out announcements. If locals want to sign up, the information is included below in this announcement sent out Thursday: 

San Benito County wants to keep you informed and educated during the current crisis. Please follow us on social media at:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/COSB.Admin

Twitter – @SanBenitoCounty

Instagram = @SanBenitoCounty

Encourage your neighbors and family to sign up for alerts on Nixle. They can simply text their zipcode to 888777 and they will be signed up!

You can visit our Public Health Website for FAQ’s, Resources and Education om COVID-19 here at this link: https://hhsa.cosb.us/publichealth/communicable-disease/coronavirus/

As always United Way of San Benito County provides our community support. You can access their resources on COVID-19 by dialing 211.

San Benito County Staff will be delivering COVID-19 resource guides to our homeless population and other groups that may not have access to technology.

The local business community can seek Disaster Loan Assistance, Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters at this link https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/Declarations/DeclarationDetails?declNumber=6062932&direct=false

Please remember to use good hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

When using alcohol based hand sanitizer, wash your hands until they are completely dry.

Avoid touching you mouth, nose and face.

Please practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet away from people you may come in contact with.

If you feel sick please quarantine yourself to prevent the possibility of infecting others. If your condition worsens seek medical attention at Hazel Hawkins Hospital.  

Please help all of us by continuing to shelter-in-place per the recent declaration. If your business is not on the essential list of the declaration please close your business immediately. Link for declaraton here: https://hhsa.cosb.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Order-of-the-Health-Officer-031720.pdf

