34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Club’s 50th event brings vintage cars to countryside

The Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford will hold its Endurance Run and Lowland Tour on Sunday for the third straight year in Hollister.

This is the 50th year for the tradition put on by the Santa Clara Valley club, which started holding its event in the Hollister area in 2017.

The event gives members a chance to show their vintage Ford vehicles and take a leisurely ride throughout the countryside of San Benito County.

According to the rules, all speedsters must be based on chassis, running gear, engine and transmission components through 1927.

Check-in starts on Fifth Street in downtown Hollister at 7:30 a.m. Sunday with the departure on the tour at 8:45 a.m. The afternoon is spent at Tiffany Ford’s finish line at 300 Gateway Drive.

The first check-in is Saturday, when there will be self-guided tours.

The Endurance Run is open to all 1927 and earlier speedsters. The Lowland Tour is open to all pre-1940 cars.

See the club website for registration and entry info: www.scvmtfc.org.

See video from the first Endurance Run event in Hollister below:

