34.1 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

City awarded $260k grant for ‘Complete Streets’ study

Courtesy of Mary Paxton with the City of Hollister Planning Department:

The City of Hollister is excited to announce the award of a $259,768 Sustainable Communities Strategy transportation planning grant through Caltrans to develop a Complete Streets Study for Buena Vista Road, Santa Ana Road, Meridian Street and Memorial Drive.

Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access of the transportation network by all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders regardless of age and abilities.

The planning grant will also examine safe movement of freight on Buena Vista Road, Santa Ana Road and railroad crossings at Meridian and Fourth Streets. The plans will be used to develop context sensitive solutions that take into consideration the unique setting of the community. This includes improvements such as bicycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, safe routes to school components, placement of shade trees, place making and elements that address overall safety on the four corridors.

The City of Hollister has released a Request for Proposal to retain a consultant to assist with development of the corridor study. The city expects to host the first of three bilingual stakeholder and community workshops in June of this year. A walking audit will also be performed to assess barriers for users of the corridors.

The city invites community members of all ages and abilities to participate in the planning process, which will help set a design vision for these roadways. Art will be integrated into the community engagement. The city has commitments from the following community partners: San Benito County Arts Council, REACH San Benito Parks Foundation, Hollister School District, Council of San Benito County Governments, San Benito County Transportation Agency, elected officials from the Hollister City Council and San Benito County Board of Supervisors, and Caltrans.

If you would like to be notified of future bilingual community workshops or participate as a stakeholder, please contact Mary Paxton in the City of Hollister Development Services Department at (831) 636-4316, Ext. 16 or by email at [email protected]. If you know someone that speaks Spanish and would like to be notified of future bilingual community workshops or participate as a stakeholder, please contact Socorro Zendejas with the City of Hollister Engineering Department at (831) 636-4340, Ext. 26 or email at [email protected].

