31.5 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Arts Council enrolls students for summer camp

Courtesy of the San Benito County Arts Council:

The San Benito County Arts Council is now enrolling students in Summer Art Camp at the new ARTspace Annex, at 217 Fifth St. in downtown Hollister. The cost is $45/student/per camp, with a $10 sibling discount. This fee includes all materials and a snack.
Camps run Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays Session 1 (5-7 year olds) 10 am- 12 pm | Session 2 (8-13 year olds) 1-3 pm
Week 1- Papier Mache/Pinata Camp, June 26-28
Week 2- Paint Party Camp, July 10-12
Week 3- Ceramics/Sculpture Camp, July 17-19
Week 4- Photography Camp, July 24-26
Week 5- DIY Camp, July 31- August 2
For online registration or to view the full class schedule and descriptions, please visit HYPERLINK “http://www.sanbenitoarts.eventbrite.com” www.sanbenitoarts.eventbrite.com
All classes are taught by professional teaching artists. For more information about Summer Art Camp, please contact the Arts Council at 831.636.2787 or at [email protected].
Spring Art Classes are presented by the San Benito County Arts Council as part of their Community Art Education Program and are made possible with the support of the California. Arts Council, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, United Way and Monterey Peninsula Foundation.

