31.5 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Arts Council announces winter-spring art classes

Courtesy of the San Benito County Arts Council:

The San Benito County Arts Council is now enrolling students in Winter & Spring Session Art Classes at the ARTspace Annex, 217 Fifth St. in downtown Hollister.

The winter & spring session schedule will run Jan. 7 through the end of May and includes art classes and workshops for youth and adults in a variety of different media.  Some of the classes offered are:

Youth Art Studio 1 & 2 (ages 5-7 & 8-13), with Stephanie Skow, weekly Mondays

3D Sculpture (ages 8-16), with Dustin Kinsley, weekly Tuesdays

Drawing Fundamentals (ages 11+), with John Robrock, weekly Wednesdays

Writers’ Lab (ages 16+), with Amanda Chiado, weekly Wednesdays

Aztec Dancing (all ages), with Calpulli Itzpapalotl Danza Azteca, weekly Wednesdays

Youth Ceramics (ages 8-16), with Stephanie Skow, weekly Thursdays

Tai-Chi, with Richard Ahrens, TBA

To register online or to view the full class schedule and descriptions, please visit www.sanbenitoarts.eventbrite.com.

All classes are taught by professional teaching artists and begin the second week of January continuing in month long sessions unless otherwise noted. There are FREE scholarship spots available for youth classes for qualifying students. The SBCAC is also an approved vendor for Ocean Grove. For more information about the Winter & Spring Art Classes or to inquire about scholarships, please contact the Arts Council at 831.636.2787 or at [email protected].

Community Art Classes are presented by the San Benito County Arts Council as part of their Community Art Education Program and are made possible with the support of the California Arts Council, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, United Way and Monterey Peninsula Foundation.


