30.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Artists sought for Dunne Park bench project

Courtesy of the San Benito County Arts Council:

The San Benito County Arts Council seeks artists to create four benches for placement at Dunne Park.

In 2017, the San Benito County Arts Council launched the Activate Dunne Park Project in partnership with the City of Hollister to revitalize Dunne Park in downtown Hollister. The project is part of a two-year initiative funded in part through the Creative California Communities Grant from the California Arts Council. Following several inter-departmental and neighborhood meetings, the Arts Council developed a list of infrastructural and programmatic priorities in an effort to activate and improve the park, which included more seating and shade, amongst other priorities.

As part of this placemaking process, the Arts Council seeks to commission and install four artist-designed and produced benches that reflect the unique landscape and neighborhood surrounding Dunne Park, while building the park’s permanent assets and contributing to greater vibrancy, engagement and enjoyment within the park.

An Artist Workshop will be held Tuesday, June 26th, at the Annex, 217 Fifth Street in Hollister.
Come meet with Arts Council staff and fellow artists to learn more about the Art Bench Project at Dunne Park and our current Request for Qualifications. Use this opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and connect with local artists and fabricators. All welcomed!!

For more information and to download the application visit www.sanbenitoarts.org. All applications must be submitted online. Deadline to apply is June 29.

Feel free to reach out to the arts council at (831) 636-2787 or contact us by email at [email protected].

