31.5 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Agenda: SJB planning commission weighs alcohol sales at Hacienda De Leal

The San Juan Bautista Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on at 6 p.m. Feb. 5 at San Juan Bautista City Hall, 311 Second St.

The following will be considered at the meeting:

•   Consider a Site and Design Review for new construction for two modular homes and one accessory building located on Lasuen Drive (APN 002-540-010) - Approval of the Site and Design Review is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Article 19, Sections 15300.2 and 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act. Applicants: Dave and Kevin McGovert

•   Consider a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the onsite sale of Alcoholic Beverages located at Hacienda De Leal located at 410 The Alameda (APN 002-520-013).  There is no further development proposed onsite. Approval of the Conditional Use Permit Request is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Article 19, Section 15300.2 and 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act.  Applicants:  Mark Medina and Frank Leal

According to the city agenda notice, staff reports and the full text of all items to be discussed will be available for public review at City Hall on Jan. 29. All members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting and may address the City Council on the issue during the public hearing. Written comments may be hand delivered or mailed to City Hall (311 Second Street, P.O. Box 1420, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045), or e-mailed to [email protected], not later than 5:00 p.m., February 4, 2019.

