Three new San Juan Bautista City Council members will be sworn in Tuesday at the next regular meeting.
The meeting is set for 6 p.m. at San Juan Bautista City Hall, 311 Second St.
There will be a moment of silence for the late Mayor Jim West to open the meeting before plaques are presented to three outgoing council members, Christopher Martorana, Tony Boch and West posthumously. West died a week ago and was found at a Graniterock workplace on San Juan Highway. He was wrapping up his one term on the San Juan City Council, but spent decades being active in the local nonprofit and business communities as a representative for Graniterock.
Additionally on the agenda, the council will:
• Receive a presentation of the fiscal year 2018 audit.
• Hear a sheriff’s report from Sheriff Darren Thompson.
• Consider appointing three new members to the historic resources board and planning commission.
• Consider mayor’s appointments to boards and committees.
• Reconsider Casa Rosa structural changes
• Consider adding an ordinance with new cannabis-related business taxes in light of a yes vote on the matter from voters in the November election.
• Discuss cannabis business license and processes.
• Discuss the fire contract with the City of Hollister.
• Discuss a gas station update at Highway 156 and The Alameda.
• Discuss a Celebration of Life for Jim West in January 2019.