33.3 F
San Benito
March 15, 2025

Agenda: San Juan to review smoke-free outdoor dining, interim manager

San Juan Bautista City Council members on Tuesday are scheduled to consider a proposal for smoke-free outdoor dining and formalizing a deal for an interim city manager.

The San Juan Bautista City Council is set to meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at San Juan Bautista City Hall, 311 Second St.

The agenda includes the proposal from San Benito County Public Health Services for smoke-free outdoor dining in the Mission City. It also includes the appointment of Ed Tewes as interim city manager.

The council previously agreed to bring on Tewes as assistant city manager for the transition with the intention of appointing him to interim city manager once City Manager Michaele LaForge officially departs, which is expected early next week. Tewes’ prior, short-term agreement was for $2,000, while no dollar amounts are listed on the council agenda, which is customarily succinct.

The council will also consider a performance bonus for LaForge. There is no amount listed on the agenda. She had been in line to receive $20,000 if she met certain criteria, but officials have talked about paying her half that amount as she leaves less than a year into the job.

Laforge came on last spring to succeed former City Manager Roger Grimsley. Tewes also acted as interim manager in the transition between those two officials.

The following is the full council agenda for Tuesday:

1. Call to Order 6:00 PM

2. Public Comment

3. Consent Items

A. Approve Affidavit of Posting Agenda

B. Approve Minutes for the February 19, 2019 Regular Meeting

C. Approve Minutes for the February 25, 2019 Special Meeting

D. Approve Resolution 2019-XX Confirming Appointments to Commissions, Committees and Regional Boards

E. Waive Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions on Tonight’s Agenda

4. Presentations, Informational Items and Reports

A. Presentation by San Benito County Public Health Services – Proposal for Smoke Free Outdoor Dining in the City

B. Monthly Financial Statements

C. City Manager’s Report

D. Building and Planning Report

E. Reports from City Council Appointees to Regional Organizations and Committees

F. Strategic Plan Committee Report

5. Action Items

A. Approve Performance Bonus for Michaele LaForge per Agreement

B. Approve Appointment of J. Edward Tewes as Interim City Manager and Authorize Mayor to Sign Agreement

C. Approve Proposed Deferred Improvements Agreement for Midnight Express and Authorize the City Manager to Execute It on Behalf of the City

6. Discussion Items

A. City Manager Recruitment Update

B. Weekly Old Town Block Party – Mayor Flores


A. City Council

B. City Manager

C. City Attorney

8. Adjournment

